Researching Intimate Violence Against Women From Feminist Ethnography




feminist ethnography, intimate violence, transformative knowledge


Researching intimate violence against women using feminist ethnography is a difficult and contentious undertaking for both the researcher and the participants as feminist ontology and epistemology are at odds with the mainstream sociological understandings of theory, method and methodology. The topic of intimate violence is not only emotional and traumatic; doing an ethnographic study of it is fraught with tensions that are fundamental to creation of a women centered knowledge that is subjective. This article attempts to explain feminist understandings of ontology, epistemology, and ethics and to make clear the nature of these tensions in feminist ethnographic research, writing and praxis. It elaborates, through illustrations derived from doctoral research of the author on intimate violence against women, how researching the theme of violence is a challenging and rewarding exercise when it is based on the lived experiences of women with whom the researcher identifies. The results are transformative for the researcher and participants and contribute to the praxis of human rights.


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Author Biography

Nishi Mitra vom Berg, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS)

Doutora em Estudos sobre a mulher – Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India. Mestra em Sistemas Sociais, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India e Graduada em Antropologia com especialização em Social-Cultural-Antropologia. Bacharel em Antropologia – Lucknow University, Lucknow, India. Líder do projeto Pnud - Estudos sobre Gênero e Mulheres na Universidade de Cabul, no Afeganistão. Ganhou o Prêmio Linnaeus-Palme (Suécia) no Programa de Diploma em Gênero e Direitos Humanos e é credenciada pelo Instituto Ruth Cohn em TCI - Interação Centrada no Tema.


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How to Cite

BERG, Nishi Mitra vom.
Researching Intimate Violence Against Women From Feminist Ethnography
. Cadernos de Pesquisa, v. 31, n. 2, p. 1–29, 30 Jun. 2024 Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.



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