
  • Ubirajara Santos de Carvalho Universidade Federal do Maranhão
  • Cassiane Barroso dos Anjos Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
  • Eduardo Bezerra de Almeida Jr. Universidade Federal do Maranhão




Northeast, Restinga, Taxonomy, Fabales


The Lençóis Maranhenses National Park is home to important species native and endemic to Brazil, including the Polygalaceae. In this context, the present study proposed to survey the taxonomic diversity of Polygalaceae species occurring in the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, in the Atins section. Exploratory walks were carried out in the study area, where Polygalaceae with flower and/or fruit were collected. The samples were herborized and identified at the Botanical Studies Laboratory with the aid of dichotomous keys and specialized literature. The photographic plates were assembled from the photos recorded in the laboratory. Six species of Polygalaceae were identified, a number similar to that found in studies in the restingas of Maranhão; Senega Spach being the most diverse genus, with 3 ssp., followed by Asemeia Raf. emend. Small (2 ssp.) and Caamembeca J.F.B.Pastore (1 sp.). This result is consistent with the study carried out in the restinga of Pará, where Senega was also the most abundant. It was observed that the Polygalaceae species found in Atins can be differentiated from the phyllotaxy, morphology of the leaves, sepals and mainly by the carina and seeds. In addition, the species found are well distributed in the Brazilian phytogeographic domains. In this way, the park presented a rich diversity of Polygalaceae, emphasizing the importance of the study for conservation. The need to expand the study to other areas and botanical families is also evident, in order to better understand the park's flora.


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How to Cite

Carvalho, U. S. de; Anjos, C. B. dos; Almeida Jr., E. B. de. FLORA OF THE LENÇÓIS MARANHENSES NATIONAL PARK: POLYGALACEAE. Bol. Lab. Hidrobiol. 2024, 33.


