Sapere Aude: Philosophy, Enlightenment, and Anti-authoritarianism on Sócrates and Kant




Enlightenment, Philosophy, Anti-authoritarianism, Socrates, Kant


the objective of this article is to approach two philosophical proposals on the topic of enlightenment: the models of Socrates in ancient philosophy and Kant in modern philosophy. Despite different contexts and different thoughts, it is possible to find a common point in both philosophers, namely, the defense of reason against any form of authoritarianism that prejudice human freedom. In fact, Socrates paid a high price for this, his own life. Kant, in turn, had his freedom of expression restricted, as was the case with the prohibition of the first attempt to publish his book Religion within the Boundaries of Mere Reason. The main legacy that these philosophers transmitted to generations is the need for a critical and autonomous reason that echoes as a call to justice, sapere aude, the boldness to use one's own understanding, the courage to think critically and use reason against forms of oppression.


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Author Biography

Francisco Jozivan Guedes de Lima, Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI

Professor do Departamento e do PPG Filosofia -Universidade Federal do Piauí UFPI. Pesquisador Produtividade CNPq


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How to Cite

Lima, F. J. G. de . (2024). Sapere Aude: Philosophy, Enlightenment, and Anti-authoritarianism on Sócrates and Kant: . Revista Iluminus, 1–11.



Artigos - Século XVIII