Aesthetic theory: or the antidogmatic way of Kantian thought




Kant, Dogmatismo, Aesthetic, Freedom


The purpose of this article is to show that Kant's image as a dogmatic thinker, very emphasized by contemporary philosophy, has no support if we consider that the central objective of the Critique of Judgment is to expose the concept of reflection judgment, that has its field of application in aesthetics. And as another objective of the work is to give unity to the entire system, the fact that the Critique of Judgment is the expression of freedom of thought in relation to all kinds of restrictions, makes the idea of dogmatic, referred to criticism as a whole, to be compromised.


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Author Biography

Pedro Paulo da Costa Corôa, Universidade Federal do Pará - UFPA

Professor do quadro permanente do Mestrado em Filosofia da Faculdade de Filosofia da UFPA e do Doutorado em Ciências Sociais (UFPA). Compõe o Grupo de Sustentação do GT "Rousseau e o Iluminismo" (ANPOF).


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How to Cite

Corôa, P. P. da C. (2024). Aesthetic theory: or the antidogmatic way of Kantian thought. Revista Iluminus, 1–17.



Artigos - Século XVIII