Scientific dissemination, Conservation, Cryptogams, BiodiversityResumo
A sustainable relationship between man and the environment is known to be fundamental for the conservation of natural environments, to maintain the diversity of species and the services offered by them. To this end, implementing activities to make scientific knowledge accessible to the lay population strengthens the efforts to conserve natural ecosystems. This project aimed to popularize the knowledge generated in a master’s thesis about the environmental problems that affect the humid forest of Chapada do Araripe - CE and the bryophyte flora in this region, in order to make scientific and sociocultural knowledge more familiar to the human population that resides in the vicinity of the forest. To this end, dialogues were developed in public environments, such as squares and parks, and residences were visited; expository and didactic material, banners and booklets were presented and distributed; and a theoretical-practical mini-course was held for the local scientific community. These strategies were tailored to each public served, that is, the general population, lay people, and the academic community, in order to enhance the accessibility to scientific knowledge. In this project, it was possible to understand the perception of people about the importance of the forest in social life and expand the knowledge about the human-environment relationship and the learning through the exchange of experiences.
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