The state of Maranhão presents a situation of vulnerability in relation to garbage collection. Garbage collection data show that municipalities in Maranhão do not collect garbage properly. We examined the relationship between Gross Domestic Product, Population Size and Garbage Collection Data. The database analyzed was obtained from the Demographic Census of 2000 and 2010 conducted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE). The results obtained show that the municipalities of Maranhão provide the garbage collection service for the majority of their population, since the average proportion of residents served by garbage collection considering the different municipalities was 99.4% (Min = 95.4%, Max = 99.9%). Comparing data for the years 2010 and 2000, a significant increase in the service of residents by the garbage collection system was observed for most municipalities. However, the demand for the service is still greater than the supply when the issue is garbage collection, although discrete advances have been made by society, the need for investment and regional planning with local articulations of actions to solve this problem.
Key words: garbage collection, Maranhão State, Solid wastes.
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