Fabales, Mimosa, semiaridAbstract
Fabaceae is the most diversified angiosperm family of the Caatinga. Mimosoid clade is comprised in the Caesalpinioideae subfamily, is Pantropical, occurring in both dry and humid regions, and is relevant from a taxonomic point of view in the Caatinga phytogeographic domain. This study aimed to present the list of species of Mimosoid clade in the Olho d’Água das Onças Ecological Reserve, a Conservation area of Caatinga located in the municipality of Picuí, Seridó of Paraíba, Brazilian Northeast. We have done 11 field expeditions between August/2022 and April/2023, following traditional collection and herborization methods for taxonomic studies. Species identification was based on specialized literature and the geographic distribution data were obtained from the Flora e Funga do Brasil online platform. In the studied area, we found seven species, in three genera: Chloroleucon (1 sp.), Mimosa (5 spp.) and Pityrocarpa (1 sp.), one of these is endemic of the Caatinga domain (Pityrocarpa moniliformes) and another is endemic to the Northeast region (Mimosa paraibana). We present here the species list, with their respective types of habits, geographic distribution, frequency, flowering and or fruiting data. Based on the results, the Olho d’Água das Onças ER constitutes an important center of floristic diversity in the Brazilian Northeast.
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