

Biodiversity, Biological collection, Integrated systems


The aim of this study is to describe the improvements achieved by using the “Specielink” and “Flora e Funga” do Brasil platforms for the Maranhão Herbarium (MAR). Currently, the total number of records in the MAR Herbarium is 13,335, indicating an increase of around 12% in the inclusion of data and documentation of specimens. This increase is relevant because the taxonomic identifications made in herbaria serve as a basis for improving basic and applied sciences. The results obtained revealed the existence of errors and flaws in the MAR Herbarium's records. These flaws can compromise the accuracy and reliability of the data, and may jeopardize the use of the herbarium's records as a source of scientific information. By correcting the records and keeping the system up to date, it is possible to improve taxonomic accuracy and facilitate access to reliable data on the region's flora. To do this, it is necessary to invest in specialized human resources, since they can collaborate in a concrete and efficient way with the handling of these information systems. 


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Author Biography

Eduardo Bezerra de Almeida Jr., Universidade Federal do Maranhão

Centro de Ciências Biológicas e da Saude, Departamento de Biologia da Universidade Federal do Maranhão.


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How to Cite

Candido, D. S., Souza, H. L. de, Jesus, A. C. A. A., Diniz, M. R., & Almeida Jr., E. B. de. (2023). INFORMATION SYSTEMS AS A TOOL FOR DISSEMINATION AND DATA MANAGEMENT OF BOTANICAL COLLECTIONS: A REPORT ON THE MAR HERBÁRIO. Revista Trópica - Ciências agrárias E biológicas, 15(1), 48–54. Retrieved from


