Parole chiave:
floristic survey, vegetation, diversity, aroeira do sertão, braúna, umbuzeiroAbstract
In the Caatinga, species from the Anacardiaceae family represent one of the most widely used groups of palnts in the rural communities of Paraíba caatinga, due to their food and medicinal potential, in addition to boosting the local economy. This work aims to present a survey of species from the Anacardiaceae family occurring in a stretch of Caatinga of high ecological importance for conservation, thus contributing to the flora of the state of Paraíba, Northeast Brazil. To this purpose, exploratory hikes were carried out in the study area over a period of two years, in order to collect botanical material using collection and herborization techniques, following the usual taxonomic parameters. Once the species were correctly identified, the exsiccates were placed in the CSTR Herbarium collection, from the Federal University of Campina Grande, Patos campus. The survey catalogued three species of the family belonging to three genera (Astronium Jacq., Schinopsis Engl. and Spondias L.) and one of the which is listed as endangered specie by LC category. Actions to plan conservation programs for these species with food, medicinal and timber potential in the Caatinga are important and necessary to protect this potential, through the existence of a seed bank, production of seedlings and planting in degraded areas.
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