nuances of contemporary Brazilian literature in Ferreira Gullar's Rabo de foguete


  • Caio da Silva Carvalho



Contemporary Brazilian Literature, Rabo de foguete, Ferreira Gullar


Literary critic Giorgio Agamben (2007, p. 10) defined the condition of contemporary as the ability to orient oneself, even in the dark, in order, "from there, to have the courage to recognize and commit oneself to a present with which it is not possible to coincide”. To be contemporary is, therefore, an attempt to walk on ground that is increasingly imprecise, fragmented, and malleable, without, however, failing to (re)meet the necessary demands of the time in which the subject finds himself. Thus, this paper aims to analyze the work Rabo de Foguete, by Ferreira Gullar, whose plot focuses on the author's memories of exile in the context of the Military Dictatorship, from the standpoint of the (re)formation of a literary style based on the nuances involving the discontinuities and/or subsistencies of contemporary being. Thus, the text thinks about some nuances of contemporary Brazilian literature, such as the protagonism of an individual in a time of broken social fabric, while trying to show the stylistic and thematic aspects that involve the heterogeneity and arrangement of the forms of a (new) realism. Through a qualitative and bibliographical research, the analyses are based on authors such as Giorgio Agamben (2007), Karl Eric Schollhammer (2009), Tânia Pelegrini (2001), and Ítalo Moriconi (2001), in order to think how the author-narrator-personage Ferreira Gullar stands as a contemporary being, in a contemporary writing, around the styles, approaches, and themes in between the Rabo de foguete.


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How to Cite

CARVALHO, Caio da Silva.
BETWEEN DISCONTINUITIES AND REMANEID: nuances of contemporary Brazilian literature in Ferreira Gullar’s Rabo de foguete
. Littera: Revista de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, v. 14, n. 27, 11 Sep. 2023 Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 sep. 2024.