Language and technological mediation

notes on linguistic intermediaries




Language, Technological Mediation, Linguistic Evolution, Technology, Communication


This article addresses the intersection between language and technological mediation, exploring the complex relationships between these two elements. It examines the influence of technology on the evolution of language, as well as the ways in which language shapes the perception and utilization of technology. It also analyzes the role of new technologies as mediators of communication and as tools for linguistic and sociocultural transformation. This study aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the implications and emerging dynamics of this vital interaction.


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How to Cite

SANTOS, Douglas Manoel Antonio de Abreu Pestana dos.
Language and technological mediation: notes on linguistic intermediaries
. Littera: Revista de Estudos Linguísticos e Literários, v. 14, n. 28, 30 Dec. 2023 Disponível em: Acesso em: 20 dec. 2024.