CONTROL DEVICES: an archegenealogical analysis of religious establishments in Tocantins
Northern Discourse, Religious establishments, TocantinsAbstract
This article aims to examine the power relations involved in the constitution of the institutions in the State of Tocantins, especially religious establishments, associated with health and education. To this end, we use the renowned qualitative-interpretive method of Discourse Analysis aimed at the heuristic description of the meanings present in the article entitled “Tocantins tem mais estabelecimentos religiosos do que instituições de educação e saúde, revela IBGE” (JARDIM, 2024), published in Jornal Opção. In this way, the notions of device operations, statement, discursive formation and episteme are mobilized, from which the reading of the outlined object is verticalized. As a result of this investigation, it was verified, beyond the scope of the proposition outlined for this article, the internal constituents of the news statement, the alignment of the device, and the anchoring of knowledge arranged in the object in a progressive discursive formation and in an egalitarian episteme.
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