DISCOURSE ON URBANITY: an analysis of the growing increase in apartment residents in Tocantins
Discourse of urbanity, Archegenealogy, Statement, Media device, Developmental epistemeAbstract
In view of the objective of examining the power relations that constitute the discourse of urbanity present in the news “Número de pessoas que moram em apartamento cresce de 12 mil para 38 mil no Tocantins” (LAURIS, 2024), published on the information portal G1, on March 4, 2024, this article mobilizes the recognized method of Discourse Analysis, through some of its operational concepts, namely: the notions of discursive formation, utterance, device and episteme. These, after being set in motion in the process of describing and interpreting power relations in the text under examination, implement the proposition outlined for this investigation. Among the results found, there is the relationship between the media device, vehicle of utterance, relating to both the conservative discursive formation and the developmental episteme.
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