THE INDIGENOUS REVOLUTION IN THE AMERICAS: perceptions obtained among the Laklãnõ indigenous people



Mots-clés :

Laklãnõ, Indigenous revolution, Indigenous movements


The paper presents a little-explored facet of indigenous activism in Brazil: The empirical material is based on research that has been carried out with the Laklãnõ people since 2016 and which has been discussed in different spaces. The focus is to demonstrate how these indigenous are protagonists of an unprecedented revolutionary process - and outside of a Western-European orientation. This revolutionary process is articulated in a larger network with other indigenous peoples in America who carry out other anti- system fronts, not necessarily being in contact with each other, or even knowing of the actions being carried out. I specifically discuss the practical actions of the Laklãnõ people that enhance the results of this revolutionary process. The paper suggests an articulation of these and other fronts of action as constituents of a greater engine for the development of a particular model of indigenous counter-colonialism with a focus oriented on safeguarding a plant species (Zág - Araucaria) at extreme risk of extinction and which has been sacred to this people for thousands of years through the appropriation and re-signification of a series of devices that are identified by the natives as <<weapons (of colonization and destruction) of the whites.


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Biographie de l'auteur-e

Jefferson Virgilio, MArquE - UFSC

Antropólogo - MArquE (UFSC).


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Comment citer

Virgilio, J. (2024). THE INDIGENOUS REVOLUTION IN THE AMERICAS: perceptions obtained among the Laklãnõ indigenous people. Revista Húmus, 14(41).