The woman vendors and the invisibilites of the female working class: interdisciplinary challenges
Work, Women, Gender, Fair-free, Invisibilities, InterdisciplinarityAbstract
The conflicts between the domestic environment and the public spaces for the stallholders find significant discussions in which home and work intersect in the public space and work environment. The purpose of the text is to discuss about the invisibilities of the female working class, having the reality of Northeastern market women as an object of investigation. Based on the bibliographical analyzes in Rocha and Vargas (2021), Carvalho (2021), Kuenzer (200) and Antunes (2009), the qualitative ethnographic research brings together elements of relevance in the testimonies collected and interpreted in the analysis of the results. We assume that the absence of public policies to support the stallholders, especially in terms of schooling and triple working hours in child care, home and work. It was concluded that the ontological and social dimensions of the female marketer's experience are intertwined with the entry of women into the labor market.
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