Philosophy of Geopolitics: The territorial condition as wandering and radical otherness
Phenomenological ethics, Intentional experience, Refugees, GesturesAbstract
As I close this article, at the end of September 2023, the self-proclaimed Republic of Nagorno-Karabakh has its government dissolved by Azerbaijani separatist forces. The dissolution in question presents in a didactic way not only the geopolitical phenomenon outlined here, but also its eventual and catastrophic consequences, the precipitation of which accelerates (through the desperate wave of refugees) the presence of the territorial condition not as an expression of conventional mobility, but as an unexpected intersubjective experience from which the Other emerges as a foreigner. In an analogical sense (taken from metabolism biochemistry lesson) it can be considered that, while the geopolitical phenomenon has catabolic aspects (consequent heat dissipation and enzymatic degradation reactions), the territorial condition represents an anabolic process, whose succession of chemical reactions tends towards the synthesis of more complex molecules, and, therefore, towards the expansion of the presupposed vital drive. In this case, provided that emancipated enough to expand the circle of worldly immanence in foreign lands, the Other is the anabolic expression of latent potentialities that, with the transfer of trust, restores and tests its corresponding state of affairs.
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