a path to diversity constructed through language
Inclusion., Diversity., Discourse., Corpus.Abstract
The domain of inclusion has been a field of changes, regarding perspectives, guidelines, policies, measures and activities or projects implemented. Language reflects these changes, as it is transformed in relation to the discourse produced in this domain and it itself promotes transformations through the meanings and values it projects into action. This article focuses on the discourse produced in the field of inclusion, covering the last few decades up to the recent present. Its general objective is to apprehend the changes constructed in language regarding the presence of the concept/term “inclusion” and the relations in which it is activated. Methodologically, we resorted to the tools of Corpus Linguistics, having analysed the frequency of the term “inclusion” in three general corpora, taken as reference for contemporary Portuguese, and the frequency, collocations or co-occurrences and distinctive keywords in two specific corpora. These were built based on news concerning inclusion, one covering a very recent annual period (2022) and the other going back a decade (2012). The main results reveal the strengthening of the presence of the term “inclusion” and, above all, the appearance of “diversity” as a relevant element of the relations constructed in language in the field of inclusion.
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