environmental damage, DuPont, SamarcoAbstract
The Brazilian Constitution of 1988 brings the possibility of criminal liability for environmental damage, however this issue is still not widespread, as the most common is that the damage is repaired by means of mere indemnity. At the corporate level, this is where discussions are most needed, as it is the place in which the most serious injuries to the environment are generated. This work, therefore, aims to study the need for criminal liability of legal entities, analyzing for this, two environmental catastrophes, one referring to the North American company DuPont, and the other to Samarco, a Brazilian company managed by Vale. In the end, it will be understood the real legacy that Criminal Law gives to the environmental scenario and what are the positive points of this theme. As well as the current paradigms at the national level, introduced by Theme 1010. As for the methodological aspects, the research was of a basic nature, with a qualitative approach, an exploratory and bibliographic objective of the narrative type. Developing the study in articles of great relevance in the scope of environmental criminal liability, as well as verified provenance sites.
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