Popular Culture And Dialogue With The School In The Village Of Itaúnas, Conceição Da Barra/ES


  • CLAUDIA ALVES SILVA Secretaria Municipal de Conceição da Barra/ES
  • MARIA ALAYDE ALCANTARA SALIM Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo




Itaúnas, Popular culture, Teaching


The present study resulted from  research that investigated the popular culture and the dialogue with the school in the village of Itaúnas, Conceição da Barra ES. It focused especially on the existing cultural groups in the village, their manifestations and the relevance of valuing culture for the teaching-learning process and for pedagogical practices in the school context. The methodology followed the assumptions of the ethnographic qualitative approach, according to Ludke and André (1986), using interview, observation and focus group techniques. Theoretical reflections were guided by studies by Vygotsky (1995), Benjamin (1994, 2009), Moreira and Candau (2003) by approaching concepts related to culture and cultural practices. According to the result of the study, it was possible to identify that there is a dialogue between popular culture and the school. In the investigation with the students, it was verified that there is interest in relation to the cultural diversity proposed in the pedagogical activities, establishing a dialogue with the cultural groups existing in the village and the school, with the aim of enhancing and strengthening popular culture.


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Author Biographies

CLAUDIA ALVES SILVA, Secretaria Municipal de Conceição da Barra/ES

Mestre em Ensino na Educação Básica - PPGEEB/CEUNES/UFES, Pedagoga da Secretaria Municipal de Conceição da Barra/ES. 

MARIA ALAYDE ALCANTARA SALIM, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo

Doutorado em Educação na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - PPGE/CE/UFES, Professora da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo - CEUNES/UFES.



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How to Cite

SILVA, C. A. ., & SALIM, M. A. A. . (2023). Popular Culture And Dialogue With The School In The Village Of Itaúnas, Conceição Da Barra/ES. Revista Interdisciplinar Em Cultura E Sociedade, 167–181. https://doi.org/10.18764/2447-6498.v9n2.2023.17


