Black Population: advances in brazilian legislation and the participation of the state parliament in the fight against racism in the state of Pará
Racism, Discrimination, Inequality, Parliament, LawsAbstract
The purpose of this essay is to make a brief reflection on ethnic-racial issues from the perspective of the participation and contribution of the Parliament of the State of Pará, with regard to the elaboration and approval of legal provisions that seek to assert rights and combat to racism in the State, from the sanction of the Statute of Racial Equality, in 2010. The Federal Constitution of 1988 consolidated the return of democracy in Brazil after twenty-one years living under the regime of the military dictatorship. The text of the new Constitution, based on democratic values, ensures the promotion of the good of all, without prejudice of origin, race, sex, color, age and any other forms of discrimination. In addition to the guarantees provided for in the Magna Carta, other legislation not necessary.
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