THE HIDDEN FACE OF MODERNITY: coloniality, race and racism in Latin America


  • Bianca França



Modernity, coloniality, race, intersectionality, Latin America


The aim of this present work is to understand how coloniality is based on the idea of race and racism. Modernity was constituted as such at the same time as capitalism, the idea of race, class and patriarchy. With this long period, the confrontation with radical other, the American, began. In other words, race and capitalism are born together, they are inseparable, therefore, structural and configure an intersectionality. It is this modernity that inaugurates the capitalist world system with the arrival of the Iberians in America and constitutes a project of domination, exploitation, inferiorization and dehumanization. So, coloniality is the hidden face of modernity. This entire scenario created a situation of ethnic-racial inequality and can find in intersectionality a project of epistemological renewal.


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Author Biography

Bianca França

Bacharela e licenciada em Ciências Sociais/Sociologia (UFMG). Doutoranda em Antropologia Social. Mestra em Antropologia Social. Especialista em Estudos Afro-Latinoamericanos e Caribenhos (Clacso).



How to Cite

FRANÇA, Bianca.
THE HIDDEN FACE OF MODERNITY: coloniality, race and racism in Latin America
. Revista de Políticas Públicas, v. 28, n. 1, p. 52–72, 29 Jul. 2024 Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 oct. 2024.