SOCIAL LAND SERVICE: challenges in building rural education


  • Maria Helena Cariaga
  • Maria José Antunes da Silva
  • Josenice Ferreira dos Santos Araújo
  • Rosemary Negreiros de Araújo
  • Ingrid Karla da Nóbrega Beserra
  • Maristela Dal Moro
  • Elaine Martins Moreira
  • Virgínia Márcia Assunção Viana
  • Liana Brito de Castro Araújo
  • Maria Cristina de Queiroz Nobre
  • Adinari Moreira de Sousa
  • Laura Maria Cunha



Earth Social Service, Rural Education, Class struggles


This article is the result of the synthesis of the coordinated panel presented during the XI International Public Policy Conference. Its aim is to share the experiences of three cohorts of Social Work courses implemented by the National Program of Education in Agrarian Reform (Pronera). These courses were conducted at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), concluded in 2015, at the State University of Ceará (UECE), with a cohort formed in 2018, and at the Federal University of Tocantins (UFT), currently in progress. The panel addressed the everyday experiences of the courses, highlighting both the achievements and challenges faced and impact on the lives of students, which hold significant
implications for Social Work, educational institutions, and social movements. These courses are equipping professionals for vital professional intervention and, most importantly, active engagement in struggles for social transformations. 


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How to Cite

CARIAGA, Maria Helena; SILVA, Maria José Antunes da; ARAÚJO, Josenice Ferreira dos Santos; ARAÚJO, Rosemary Negreiros de; BESERRA, Ingrid Karla da Nóbrega; MORO, Maristela Dal; MOREIRA, Elaine Martins; VIANA, Virgínia Márcia Assunção; ARAÚJO, Liana Brito de Castro; NOBRE, Maria Cristina de Queiroz; SOUSA, Adinari Moreira de; CUNHA, Laura Maria.
SOCIAL LAND SERVICE: challenges in building rural education
. Revista de Políticas Públicas, v. 28, n. Especial, p. 745–763, 22 Oct. 2024 Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 dec. 2024.