human rights, human right to education, human rights educationAbstract
This article deals with human rights education and the obstacles to its implementation in Brazil, and is considered relevant, since education, as an effective recognized tool for the formation of an individual, is an effective means for the full realization of the dignity of the person human, given that it helps human beings to understand its causes and offers material for analysis, decision-making and attitudes that will certainly contribute to alleviate contemporary social ills. In this sense, human rights education contributes to the creation of a culture of prevention, fundamental for the eradication of their violation, as well as the means to effectively make known and distinguish these rights so that it is possible to act in their favor and, above all, enjoy them. However, the implementation of this education in school banks, regardless of level, comes up against certain practical and political agenda obstacles. The problem focuses on answering what are the obstacles to the implementation of education focused on human rights. The general objective is to point out the obstacles found in Brazil for the implementation of human rights education and the specific objectives are: a) to address the human right to education; b) present human rights education and its objectives; and c) to point out the main obstacles to the implementation of human rights education in Brazil. The approach method is deductive research and bibliographic research, through the scientific article procedure so that at the end the obstacles to the implementation of human rights education are presented. The research points out that the implementation of Human Rights Education in Brazil has four obstacles to be faced.
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