Forty Days in the desert of the metropolis
the influence of space in the construction of the character Alice
Quarenta dias, Maria Valéria Rezende, Neo-Regionalist Literature, Fictional SpaceAbstract
The neo-regionalist novel Quarenta dias (2014) by Maria Valéria Rezende, is a narrative composed of the writings of the protagonist Alice, a retired French language teacher, in her old Barbie notebook—a space where she reconstructs her life trajectory through her memories of Paraíba, as well as documents her daily life in the chaotic city of Porto Alegre, where she was forced to move by her daughter, Norinha. Through the account of the protagonist-writer, we see a middle-aged woman who feels like a foreigner in a metropolis completely opposed to everything she has known, where she encounters prejudice, xenophobia, and embarks on a journey of self-discovery. Additionally, Alice evokes memories of the Brazilian Military Dictatorship period, recounting her husband's death and her involvement in activities considered subversive, as well as her troubled relationship with her daughter. In light of this, the present article aims to understand the influence of space in the construction of the main character, Alice, through the lens of the comparative method. As for the methodology employed, this is a bibliographic study based on the research of Brito (2017), Brandão (2019), Sarlo (2014), Silva (2022), among others. Therefore, the results demonstrate how writing for Alice serves as a form of resistance and self-assertion, that is, as the only safe space where the character can narrate her experiences and perceptions of the world.
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