Disco Elysium through a systemic outlook

the game-literature interspace





Digital literature, Electronic Games, Game Studies, Disco Elysium


This paper proposes an analysis of the hypertext game Disco Elysium (2021), to ponder about its place as an non-specific work of art, as defined by Florencia Garramuño (2014), marked by repertoire from both digital literature and electronic games systems. Using Itamar Even-Zohar’s (1990) theory of polysystems, mobilizing it as theoretical and methodological support, to understand how aspects of its narrative structure frustrate expectations formed by electronic games repertoire, making use of expedients that are paradigmatically recognized as constituents of the literary repertoire, while commenting about its own existence as an art object.


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Author Biographies

Rejane Rocha, UFSCar

Docente da área de Literaturas de Língua Portuguesa no Curso de Licenciatura em Letras na Universidade Federal de São Carlos e credenciada no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos de Literatura, na mesma Universidade. Coordenadora do Observatório da Literatura Digital Brasileira. Bolsista Produtividade em Pesquisa 2/CNPq.

André Pithon, UFSCar

Graduando em Letras/Ingês na Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar), integrante do Grupo de Pesquisa Observatório da Literatura Digital Brasileira e bolsista de IC/CNPq.


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How to Cite

ROCHA, Rejane; PITHON, André.
Disco Elysium through a systemic outlook: the game-literature interspace
. Afluente: Revista de Letras e Linguística, v. 9, n. 26, p. 1–20, 18 Feb. 2025 Disponível em: https://cajapio.ufma.br/index.php/afluente/article/view/24389. Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.



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