Adaptation, Electronic Literature, Science Fiction, VideogamesAbstract
Using the methodology of analytical description (CANCLINI, 2016), this article discusses the role of digital technologies in adaptation, understood under the theory proposed by Hutcheon (2011), taking as its study object the video game Dagon (Bit Golem, 2021). The work reveals the power mechanisms (FOUCAULT, 1980) that prevent the object from appropriating the original work (LOVECRAFT, Dagon, 1919) and, as a result, demonstrates the failure to adapt the work according to Hutcheon’s (2011) parameters. Furthermore, it analyzes other popular adaptations and addresses various issues that arise at the intersection between new and old mediums (RANCIÈRE, 2016), when inserted into the technical-artistic production of adaptation in the age of reproducibility (BENJAMIN, 2012).
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