Chronotope, Crime novel, Adaptation, Serial narrativeAbstract
Literary texts and audiovisual products are different ways of representing narratives of the world. The differences in the resources used to create texts and audiovisuals are also due to the way in which each product is inserted into the media market. These aspects are marked in/by language, which is made up of cultural elements situated in a specific time and space. In order to explain the creative strategies of each medium, taking into account the space-time dimension, this article analyzes elements that illustrate the chronotopic dimension of the cycle of violence against women in the book Bom dia, Verônica (2022) written by Ilana Casoy and Raphael Montes, and in the series of the same name directed by José Henrique Fonseca (2020). We explored verbal and non-verbal elements characteristic of Janete's condition in excerpts from the book and the series to exemplify how the cycle of violence affects the construction of the character in each medium, guided by the Film Analysis of Francis Vanoye and Goliot-Lété (2009), Marcel Martin (2013) and David Bordwell (2008). To understand the space-time dimensions that mark the materiality of the literary text and the audiovisual product, we used Mikhail Bakhtin's (2018) definition of chronotope and the debates developed by Olga Pampa Arán (2009), Irene Machado (2010) and Yuri Santos (2023). We observed how, in their respective aesthetic finishes, the different statements analyzed reflect and refract in their discursive constitution socio-historical-culturally shared values and meanings about domestic violence against women.
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