The deferred text under analysis
an intralingual, intermodal andmultisemiotic translation of Little Red Riding Hood into libras
Translation policies, Deferred text, Interlingual, intermodal, and multisemiotic translationAbstract
The disciplinary field of Translation Studies has been expanding each year through new research and increasingly detailedexaminations of the translation process. Translation policies are gaining new perspectives, among which we highlight the deferred text asa break from the "scriptocentric" culture, and as an opportunity to document video-recorded texts in sign languages, as well as its use asa resource for translating written texts into sign languages. In this context, we propose an analysis of the interlingual, intermodal, andmultisemiotic translation of the story "Little Red Riding Hood" into Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), carried out by the translator HeloiseGripp Diniz, as educational material for teaching literature to the deaf. This translation is available in the collection Education of the Deaf,held by the National Institute of Deaf Education (INES). For the analysis, we rely on a literature review primarily based on Peluso (2015;2018), Santos and Francisco (2018), Diniz (2003), Campos (1986), Rodrigues (2013), and Barbosa (2020), among others. Finally, we presentour concluding remarks with some contributions to the analysis of deferred texts within the field of Translation Studies.
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