Brief reflections on responsibility socio-environmental in the context of higher education institutions
Education, Higher Education Institutions, Sustainable Development Goals, Socioenvironmental ResponsibilityAbstract
Socio-environmental responsibility has become a central theme in the strategies of several organizations, especially in higher education institutions (HEIs). These institutions not only implement sustainable practices in their operations, but also provide learning opportunities that promote dignity, housing, and well-being for their students and the community. This study aims to understand how universities and colleges work to promote sustainable development and build a fairer society. The objectives include the analysis of institutional policies on socio-environmental responsibility, the evaluation of concrete programs and initiatives, and the identification of the challenges and benefits of these actions. The proposed methodology involves bibliographical research and documentary analysis, seeking a critical understanding of existing practices and theories in the educational context. The importance of this research lies in evaluating the impacts of HEIs' actions on the formation of conscious citizens, in line with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly SDG 4 (Quality Education) and SDG 12 (Consumption and Production). Responsible). Furthermore, the research examines how institutions face climate issues (SDG 13), promoting a culture of sustainability. By highlighting good practices, the study aims to inspire other institutions and society, contributing to a more sustainable and inclusive future.
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