CRIME, GENDER AND THE MEDIA: the “bad blonde” construction in Folha de São Paulo and Correio Braziliense (2002-2006)
Crime, Genre, RichthofenAbstract
The article analyzes the construction of female criminality in the media, focusing on the case of Suzane von Richthofen, who shook Brazil in 2002 when she killed her parents with the help of her boyfriend and brother-in-law. The research examines the news coverage in media outlets such as Folha de São Paulo and Correio Braziliense, highlighting the gender stereotypes present in the narratives about Suzane. The media portrayed her as a “bad blonde” and a “manipulator”, subverting the patriarchal ideal of the docile and submissive woman. To support the analysis, the research draws on the theory of gender studies by Joan Scott, a reference author in the area of gender analysis in history.
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