Curriculum reform in secondary education in Maranhão: an analysis of the Curriculum Document for Maranhão State
curriculum, secondary education reform law, curriculum document for secondary education in Maranhão stateAbstract
Bibliographic and documentary research, of an exploratory nature, on the Curriculum Document for
Secondary Education in Maranhão State (DCTM/EM), prepared as a result of Law 13,415/2017, the reform law in Brazil’s secondary education. The aim is to analyze the aforementioned document, problematizing its convergence with the foundation of the secondary education reform in general. This analysis is based on the theoretical contribution of the Critical Theory of Society and Dialectical Historical Materialism. The core aspects of the curricular proposal stand out as the flexible nature of the training, the fragmentation of the curriculum, the formation of skills and abilities and the “student protagonism”, aiming at the formation of entrepreneurial and socially responsible individuals, who must be able to manage their own life project. It is concluded that the scope of the training undertaken by the secondary education reform is in line with the process of semi-training of individuals in a way that is increasingly subordinated to alienated materiality.
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