The chivalric indianism of “I-Juca Pirama”: a romantic myth of brazilian nobilit




Indianism, Chivalry, Romanticism


This article aims to discuss the ideals of Romanticism, mainly Brazilian, and how they manifest themselves in the poem “I-Juca Pirama” (1851) by Gonçalves Dias. The aim is to observe how chivalrous characteristics appear in the indigenous protagonist, to note what are the moral and national problems broached by the poet, based on the issue of sacrifice and to explore the construction of this hero. For this analysis, it will be mainly used Bosi (1992 and 1994), Moisés
(2012) and Candido (2000), to understand the historical circumstances that go through the
formation of Brazilian Romanticism, Llull (2012), to understand part of the chivalric ideology and Kothe (2000), for an analysis of the heroic figure. 


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Author Biography

Sara Gabriela Simião, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho”

Graduada, mestra e doutora em Letras pela Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” (UNESP-FCL).


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How to Cite

Simião, S. G. (2024). The chivalric indianism of “I-Juca Pirama”: a romantic myth of brazilian nobilit. Revista Brasileira Do Caribe, 25(1), 1–17.