Literary narrative, Adaptation, Machado de Assis, Short filmAbstract
This study refers to the importance of literary narrative in the constitution of the subject and analyzes, from a discursive perspective, multisemiotic texts resulting from the reading of short stories by the writer Machado de Assis and their adaptation into audiovisual language. The analysis focuses on a script and a short film, produced by a high school student, in 2024, inspired by the short story “A woman´s arms”, by Machado de Assis. The article shows that these productions reflect the axiological position of teenagers, their identity traits, cultural habits and world views, when they reinterpret Machado's narratives through cinema. It is based on the hypothesis that the adaptation process reveals new layers of meaning, allowing young people to give new meaning to literary texts from their own perspectives. It is concluded that the process, by promoting active and participatory reading, values students' creative expression and contributes to contemporary debates about interart relations and the teaching of literature.
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