Alternative means of dispute resolution: an analysis on the effectiveness of the preliminary conciliation hearing according to data from the National Council of Justice in the year 2019


  • Maria Domingas Vale da Silva Faculdade de Educação Santa Terezinha - FEST



Access to Justice, Alternative means of conflict resolution, Social pacification, Conciliation hearing


The purpose of this article is to investigate the effectiveness of the preliminary conciliation hearing in 2019. In order to achieve this objective, the issue of the right of access to justice, as stated in the 1988 Federal Constitution, will initially be addressed. Next, a historical-legal approach will be made to alternative means of dispute resolution with emphasis on the preliminary conciliation hearing. In this sense, the main concepts and constitutive characteristics of such institutes will be exposed, prioritizing in the use of conciliation in the search for consensual resolution of conflicts in the face of the slowness of the Judiciary. Finally, the effectiveness of the preliminary conciliation hearing will be analyzed according to data made available by the National Council of Justice for the aforementioned year.


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How to Cite

SILVA, Maria Domingas Vale da.
Alternative means of dispute resolution: an analysis on the effectiveness of the preliminary conciliation hearing according to data from the National Council of Justice in the year 2019
. Barricadas: Revista de Filosofia e Interdisciplinaridade, p. 144–158, 24 Dec. 2024 Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.


