suggestions of recreational practices for the mediation of environmental information
information mediation, environment, environmental education, environmental information, socio-environmental projectsAbstract
The creation of a healthy environment based on sustainable development takes place through awareness-raising campaigns, education and articulation with other institutions. It is everyone's obligation to zeal for the world, for our planet, and education must address in its curriculum, from early childhood education to higher education, themes that encourage citizen participation and social responsibility, instruct care for the environment and develop sustainable ideas. The Library in the Mediation scenario becomes a meeting place for the exchange of knowledge and experiences, a place that allows the interaction and dialogue of the subjects who attend it. The objective of the research is to describe the importance of implementing socio-environmental projects in libraries and to point out ludic practices of mediation of environmental information. The research is classified as descriptive, of a qualitative nature. The base methodology was carried out by bibliographic research on the subject and data analysis. It is extremely important that environmental awareness and responsibility are disseminated in society, and the Library and Librarian gain an important role as mediators of information. The Library can be a place to promote environmental education for the development of sustainable actions in the mediation of information for different generations and for different practices, from the most humanized to the remote.
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