Fandom and its creative possibilities in optimizing services offered within libraries




fandom, libraries, cyberculture, fan relationship, creativity


This article seeks to clarify the concept of fandom, its importance for cyberculture and influence on fan relationships and their artistic productions. To this end, we investigated how fandom can contribute or assist with its creative possibilities, in optimizing the services already offered within libraries, exemplifying which productions are created by fans in virtual communities, the creative potential of these activities in expanding the original canon, the benefits of using these tools by librarians within libraries, as strategies for optimizing services already offered to their users and potential users. As a methodology for the construction of this work of a basic nature, exploratory research was used with a bibliographical review as its technical nature, using the following theorists ALA (2023); Ferreira Júnior; Feitosa and Costa (2021); Fraade-Blanar and Glazer (2018); Giglio (2011); Gonçalves (2021); Lévy (1999); Merriam (1964); Oliveira (2010); Price (2000); Silva, Sabbag and Galdino (2017) and Silva and Sabbag (2019). As a result, several contributions were identified that fandom productions can bring to the optimization of library services, offering workshops that help these passionate fans to create and disseminate their productions beyond fandom spaces.


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Author Biography

Kayalla Winnie Carvalho Gonçalves, Universidade Federal do Maranhão

Bibliotecária pela UFMA.  Mestranda em Design, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Designer da Universidade Federal do Maranhão. Especialista em Gestão de bibliotecas escolares e salas de leitura pelo Centro Universitário Leonardo da Vinci.


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How to Cite

GONÇALVES, Kayalla Winnie Carvalho.
Fandom and its creative possibilities in optimizing services offered within libraries
. Revista Bibliomar, p. 1–27, 21 Jun. 2024 Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 oct. 2024.




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