Participant Research In Ethnography: the importance of the student as a research subject
ethnography, participant research, face-to-face interaction, student as subjectAbstract
This article aims to understand the interactions established by students in the classroom. It is
based on participant research at a School of Government which, in general terms, is an institution within the government structure that trains graduate civil servants to improve their activities in state agency. It seeks to answer the following questions: How can class dynamics be modified as students and teachers interact, and what interactional strategies are used by the participants and to what extent are the intentions behind these interactions considered? Ethnographic research was carried out, based on the microsociology Erving Goffman and microanalysis of class videos. The analysis generated categories such as: participation, interaction strategy and barriers to learning. The results point to the need to reveal the importance of interactive movements motivated by the student and their role as the subject of their learning process.
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