Historical analysis of mathematic in Cuba primary education in 19th and 20th centuries





mathematics, primary education, mathematics teaching


The article presents a study of mathematics as a science and its teaching in primary education in the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It characterizes the primary level and the evolution of primary education in these centuries, highlighting the main personalities of the time and their contributions. The objective set by the authors is to reveal the regularities of the teaching of mathematics in Cuba from 1850 to 1959. The research method used is documentary analysis. The study takes into account the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students at this level of education, where the development of some of the higher psychological
functions is only formed at school. It also takes into account the fundamental elements of mathematics in this century: the separation from reality and the increase of logical rigor in obtaining results. The impact that the development of mathematics in the 19th and 2oth centuries has had on current primary education is presented. 


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Author Biographies

Marcelina Caridad Moreno García, Universidad de Matanzas

Doctor in Educational Sciences from the University of Matanzas and Master in DidacticsAssociate Professor at the Department of Mathematics and the Graduate Program in Educational Mathematics at the University of Matanzas and coordinator of the research group “Creative learning during the formation of computer engineer.
E-mail: marcelina.moreno@umcc.cu

Walfredo González Hernández, Universidad Central de Las Villas

Doctor in Educational Sciences from the Enrique José Varona Higher Pedagogical Institute and Master in Didactics. Associate Professor in the Department of Labor Education and Informatics and the Master's Program in Educational Mathematics at the University of Matanzas, Master's in Higher Education Sciences and specialization in Hotel Management. Certified referee for Web of Science.
E-mail: wghernandez@uclv.cu


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How to Cite

GARCÍA, Marcelina Caridad Moreno; HERNÁNDEZ, Walfredo González.
Historical analysis of mathematic in Cuba primary education in 19th and 20th centuries
. Cadernos de Pesquisa, p. 1–26, 18 Dec. 2024 Disponível em: https://cajapio.ufma.br/index.php/cadernosdepesquisa/article/view/24688. Acesso em: 27 dec. 2024.



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