Nonviolent communication and the axioms of communication:

theoretical Intersections




nonviolent communication, axioms of communication, theoretical intersections, theories of communication


Communication is crucial for interpersonal and professional relationships, being essential to organizational success. This article explores the
integration between Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and the Axioms of Communication, highlighting the importance of these approaches in
understanding the challenges of human relationships. A bibliographic review revealed intersections between NVC and the five Axioms of the Palo Alto School, enabling discussions on strategies to improve communication. It concludes that integrating these theories strengthens relationships and prevents conflicts, with NVC mitigating obstacles identified by the Axioms. 


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How to Cite

SILVA, Matheus Henrique Andrade; OLIVEIRA, Maria Lívia Pacheco de; COSTA , Andreza Apolonio.
Nonviolent communication and the axioms of communication: : theoretical Intersections
. Cambiassu: Estudos em Comunicação, p. 73–91, 20 Dec. 2024 Disponível em: Acesso em: 28 dec. 2024.


