Herr Militzer und wir, a German medievalist and the memories he left in Brazil





Germany, Brazil, exchanges, medieval, memories


Our memories are not just ours, but many, shared. That is why in Brazil and the Americas, even without a traditional ‘Middle Ages’, according to the generally accepted chronology, medieval reminiscences brought in the baggage (material and mental) of conquerors took root in our lands. But, beyond this primordial violence, the reminiscences of the Middle Ages (dreamed, imagined) are also permeated by other trips, comings and goings between the new and the old continent, people we met when we went to study in fundamental archives and who also wanted to know the our reality, which (perhaps because Garcia Marques, Borges and others) they also dreamed of. That’s how I met, in the historical archive of the city of Cologne, Germany, Professor Klaus Militzer. And that’s how he came to Brazil, not just once, but three times. This article tells a little of this story that is not just mine, but that was shared by many others. 


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Author Biography

Cybele Crossetti de Almeida, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul

Licenciatura e Bacharelado em História pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS, 1983-1986/1987), mestrado em Educação pela UFRGS (1991), e doutorado em História pela Universität Bielefeld, Alemanha (2008). Professora associada da UFRGS.


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How to Cite

Almeida, C. C. de . (2024). Herr Militzer und wir, a German medievalist and the memories he left in Brazil. Revista Brasileira Do Caribe, 25(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.18764/1984-6169v25n1.2024.7