Reminiscences of medieval Portugal in the cultural practices and festivities of contemporary Brazil: possible connections - the feast of the Divine Holy Spirit in Portugal and Brazil (Pirenópolis-GO)
Portugal, Cult of the Divine, jews, christiansAbstract
This article discusses the (im)possibilities of a rapprochement between the Cult of the Divine Holy Spirit in Portugal and the Festivities of the Divine in Pirenópolis, Goiás, by collating sources such as the Monarchia Lusitana, Royal Concordats and historiographical works from the 17th century and later. Our hypotheses point, on the one hand, to a more in-depth study of relations between Jews and Christians in the reign of King Dinis (1279-1325) and Queen Isabella of Aragon (1282-1336), considering the participation of Jews in the cult of the Divine in Portugal. On the other hand, they point to the need to understand the process of (re)constituting the
Portuguese roots of the Festival of the Divine in Pirenópolis, as well as the need to [re]discuss the
processes of patrimonialisation. The Cult was allegedly organised by the monarch Dinis under
the aegis of Queen Isabel, institutionalising an Empire of the Divine, through a ceremonial that
became famous throughout the kingdom and a manifestation that made it possible to exercise
certain non-Catholic religious practices by re-signifying the symbols, rituals and the date of the
festival itself, which coincides, for example, with the celebration of Pentecost by the Jews and the
descent of the Holy Spirit by the Christians. In Pirenópolis, since the 1970s, the festival has been
updated, taking up and reinventing its associations with Medieval Europe.
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