O CALIBAN AFRO E INDÍGENA E O PENSAMENTO DECOLONIAL: O Caribe na “Antologia del Pensamiento Crítico Caribeño Contemporáneo (West Indies, Antillas Francesas y Antillas Holandesas)”/ THE AFRO AND INDIGENOUS CALIBAN AND DECOLONIAL THINKING: The Caribbean in the "Anthology of Contemporary Caribbean Critical Thinking (West Indies, French West Indies and Netherlands Antilles)"


  • Marcos Antonio da Silva




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Comment citer

Silva, M. A. da. (2019). O CALIBAN AFRO E INDÍGENA E O PENSAMENTO DECOLONIAL: O Caribe na “Antologia del Pensamiento Crítico Caribeño Contemporáneo (West Indies, Antillas Francesas y Antillas Holandesas)”/ THE AFRO AND INDIGENOUS CALIBAN AND DECOLONIAL THINKING: The Caribbean in the "Anthology of Contemporary Caribbean Critical Thinking (West Indies, French West Indies and Netherlands Antilles)". Revista Brasileira Do Caribe. Consulté à l’adresse https://cajapio.ufma.br/index.php/rbrascaribe/article/view/11174