Virtue of Prudence, History of Medieval Education, IntellectualAbstract
The purpose of this article is to present the concept of prudence in Albertus Magnus (1200-1280), understanding it as the basis of his educational project. Our main source of analysis will be the tractatus de prudentia contained in the work Tractatus de Natura Bono (1243). In it, the author presents the need to form a society based on the common good, having the virtue of prudence as the principle of its actions. According to the author, this virtue is considered the greatest of all others, as it aims to guide man to choose good actions that ensure the common social good. Following this maxim, we will seek to understand what would be the pedagogical principles for the formation of a virtuous person, in line with the author. Due to this relevant issue, we also intend to reflect on the importance of this intellectual in the context of the history of education. It is possible to observe that, according to Albertus Magnus, when a person is educated based on virtuosity, he or she could potentially promote good in society and would collaborate with justice, consequently, with the preservation of humanity. We also point out that for the elaboration of this article, we selected some principles of social history presented within the scope of the Annales School, and we consider the concept of long duration, elaborated by Braudel (1990), as essential theoretical-methodological elements for our study.
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