
  • Nelsio Gomes Correia UNILAB



África, Norte-Sul global, Países em desenvolvimento, Relações internacionais, Imperialismo


This article proposes to study and reflect on some information about international relations in the context of north-south cooperation, especially in the specific case of some African countries. Therefore, with regard to the methodology used to carry out this research and to produce the work, it was of a bibliographic nature that allows us to obtain information through secondary sources that address, in different ways, the theme chosen for study. However, the sources used are books, articles, theses, monographs, dissertations, etc., as well as texts available on reliable websites, among other places that present a proven subject relevant to the development of our theme. Therefore, it allows us to understand that the international scenario is calculated on the inequality between the cooperation of the hegemonic nations of the North and South, in which the latter sees the economically and politically fragile countries in the process of development, especially Africans within the scope of the global system, dependent on foreign aid for the construction of state infrastructures and in the creation of public policies that make it possible to reduce social tensions and the hunger that people experience. Finally, on the other hand, the policy of international relations does not have a single essence of action with regard to donation, that is, to support countries in situations of vulnerability, but rather, of financing and internationalization of hegemonic and segregationist ideologies and of the indebtedness of developing nations.

Keywords: Africa. Global North-South. Developing countries. International relations. Imperialism.


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Author Biography

Nelsio Gomes Correia, UNILAB

Nelsio Gomes Correia nasceu na Guiné-Bissau, possui Bacharelado em Humanidades e é licenciando em Sociologia pela Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira – (UNILAB) no Estado do Ceará-Brasil. Membro de grupo de pesquisa Trajetórias, Juventudes e Educação. Instituto de Humanidades – IH.  Pesquisa as temáticas relacionadas aos Direitos Humanos, Poder Judiciário, Democracia, Educação, Gênero em África, Epistemologia africanas, Cooperação Internacional Sul-Sul e Norte - Sul e os Estudos Africanos.


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How to Cite

Correia, N. G. (2022). SOME NOTES ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS IN THE FRAMEWORK OF NORTH-SOUTH COOPERATION: The specific case of some countries in Africa. Kwanissa: Revista De Estudos Africanos E Afro-Brasileiros, 5(12).


