Exu at the crossroad is king in the terreiro, he is a doctor: Umbanda and the heritage of health
umbanda, Exu, pombagira, health heritageAbstract
The article aims to contribute to investigations on medicinal practices carried out in an Umbanda terreiro. We chose the figures of exu and pombagira in order to demystify their mythical representation in the social fabric in which the execution of evil works refers to them. Our proposal for capturing meanings was based on ethnographic work to produce sources,
given the lack of studies that dynamize the health-disease relationship and the healing processes performed by the stigmatized people from the street. In this article, we focused on the dynamics of practices and the entities-assistance relationship. Our main objective was to relate healing practices with the health heritage, since the belief in the potential of exus influences the lives of their consultants, in a diagnosis–treatment–follow-up system. Our problem basically focused on the absence of a systematic
research on curative processes in Umbanda terreiros and their possible relationship with the health heritage category. Our main collaborator for this is an Umbanda terreiro located in the city of São Francisco do Sul, SC.
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