Responsive Cities

Can this urban management model benefit the tourist experience?


  • Marília Ferreira Paes-Cesário Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte
  • Maria Valéria Pereira de Araújo UFRN



Cidades responsivas, Cidades inteligentes, Tecnologia, Destinos turísticos inteligentes


From the concept of smart cities, smart tourist destinations emerged, which brought changes in tourist activity, both on the part of consumers and the locality. Thus, responsive cities emerge, bringing a new form of management, with greater participation from residents, facilitated by technological innovations. The question then arises: How could responsive cities contribute to improving the experience of visitors? To this end, we intend to
evaluate the emergence of the debate on responsive cities in the existing literature and identify the objectives of the studies. As a methodology, a bibliographic review of the main concepts and a systematic review of the literature were carried out in two important databases to evaluate the quantity and quality of publications. As a result, few publications were found on responsive cities and even fewer on them and technologies in tourism. There was a research gap in studies that analyze responsive management and the increase in useful information for better planning of tourist activities in these locations.


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How to Cite

PAES-CESÁRIO, Marília Ferreira; ARAÚJO, Maria Valéria Pereira de.
Responsive Cities: Can this urban management model benefit the tourist experience?
. Revista Turismo & Cidades, v. 6, n. 13, 30 Jun. 2024 Disponível em: Acesso em: 5 feb. 2025.


