Negritude, Hip-hop, Diáspora africanaAbstract
Historically, the literacy process and the construction of knowledge crossed by the racial issue developed in atypical ways compared to the knowledge constructed by those who had access to formal teaching environments, where it is learned, or should be learned, about historicity, culture. and value of a given nation. For the Aphrodiasporics, to the detriment of the mishaps faced socially and in conflicting contact with the school, knowledge, history and their ancestral culture took place through different instruments, such as Hip-Hop. Therefore, this article aims to discuss black movements, whether political, artistic or cultural, especially juxtaposed, as physical, collective and individual spaces, strategic for the recognition and identity construction of the black population in the African Diaspora. Therefore, we briefly discuss the movement of Negritude and some historical axes of Hip-Hop. Therefore, using authors such as Hall (2003; 2011), Bernd (1988), Messias (2015), Souza (2011), among others. Therefore, it is evident that even over time, organizations in favor of dialogue, problematization and the creation of survival strategies are taught especially from black organizations in the artistic-political field, as indispensable spaces for thinking and organize the fight against black genocide, a constant reflection of the African diaspora.
Keywords: African Diaspora; Hip hop; Blackness.
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