African ancestral knowledge as technologies of emancipation
Saberes primais, tecnologias, atlanticidade, ancestralidade, cultura Bantu, identidadeAbstract
The referred proposal of the article addresses a reflective analysis of the project “Atlantic Transversalities: African ancestral knowledge as technologies of emancipation”, having as reference
the atlanticity, which is primal millenary knowledge held in one of the oldest civilizations of humanity, the Bantus, existing for over 5500 years old, and which were brought to Brazil in the context of the slave trade that crossed the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, it is considered that there is a diversity of emancipation technologies that goes beyond traditional western knowledge, as this primordial power is transtemporal, since it can be compared with concepts of modern science in several issues. In this sense, based on this investigation of his ancestry, the artist Paulo Fernandes makes a relevant contribution with regard to identity relations, recognizing the Bantu culture as one of the greatest contributions to the reflection of afro and brazilian corporeality. The methodology has its scope in the applicability of Law 10.639/2003 and the comprehensive relations about the afro and brazilian cultural identity, as well as the reconstruction of social, ethnological, linguistic and
technological values that insert us into another human perception, opposing the process of the racial
traps that is responsible for retracting us as human beings in the face of the colonization of Eurocentric
hegemony. To this end, the project proposal is an initiative that resulted in the amplification of the
theme of Africanities, recreating a new landscape that revisits the past and makes us guardians of a
fertile heritage, capable of sowing future generations, like a baobab seed that is already born with its potency.
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