The effects of the pandemic on women's lives, in the interior of Baixo Parnaíba Maranhense




Mourning, Precariousnes, Pandemic, Social Suffering


This article aims to understand the family dynamics brought about by social isolation, which emerged
during the pandemic period – and in the post-pandemic scenario –, expanding the experience of a
context of social vulnerability, with greater exposure of women's bodies, making them more susceptible
to situations of financial, emotional and physical precariousness. This context leads us to reflect on how the pandemic exposed women's vulnerable situations, which until then had gone unnoticed by society. The daily struggles of many women who work double/triple hours are always unnoticed, even more so if one of these jobs is domestic work. The methodology used for the research of this article was based on qualitative research – applied remotely with students from the São Bernardo/MA campus, via the
Google Meet platform, the interviews were carried out with six women, with routines and different age
groups. – testimonials and speeches will be presented that elucidate the process of precariousness of life, the experience of grief and social suffering as a result of covid-19, as they live in the East Maranhão region, with a lack of access to employment and income even before the presence of the virus, These students, mothers, mostly heads of families, were forced to work in informal services. In the absence of income, they take on jobs inside and outside their homes, with significantly exhausting working hours. The texts used in the theoretical framework were recommended by the project advisor, authors who clearly point out the context that was being experienced at that time by the research participants. 


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Author Biography

Amanda Gomes Pereira, Universidade Federal do Maranhão

Docente Adjunta (Campus São Bernardo - Curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Humanas/ Sociologia).


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How to Cite

Pereira, L. N., & Pereira, A. G. . (2024). PANDEMIC AND SOCIAL SUFFERING:: The effects of the pandemic on women’s lives, in the interior of Baixo Parnaíba Maranhense. Kwanissa: Revista De Estudos Africanos E Afro-Brasileiros, 6(15).