GEOGRAPHICAL INDICATIONS BEYOND PRODUCTS: collective governance as a means of valuing people
Geographical Indication, Governance, Tourism, Territorial Development, Paraense AmazonAbstract
Geographical indications (GI) are distinctive signs applicable to goods and services that have notoriety or characteristics arising from their geographical origin. They are an asset for the territory, because at the same time that they promote the product, they also promote its origin. Regarding tourism, the implementation of a GI can generate multiple opportunities. Thus, our objective was to analyze how the implementation of a GI, depending on its governance, can contribute to the valorization of the territory, especially its people. Specifically, it focuses on the case of the indication of provenance of Bragança flour in Pará (Brazil) from action research, connecting theory and empirics to establish contact and understanding of the research field with the main agents. The results are based on the debate on development and highlight the need for dialogue between local governance and producers to develop actions related to the product itself, as well as tourism.
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